Friday, April 28, 2006

sky blue graffiti

Our neighborhood recreation center is not much of a center at all. There are three basketball hoops, some picnic tables, and a small (very small) playground. I have not been able to figure out the original signifigance behind this painted wall, I believe it has been added to over the years. (is it considered volunteer work if one paints graffiti over graffiti in the local parks and rec center?) It is rumored that this playground is to be renovated. I've also heard that some living in the neighborhood surrounding it do not support such renovations. This is the second time I've heard of people living near a park wanting it to remain in it's dilapidated condition. I don't understand this kind of thinking.

I like that the church in the background is a contrast to the wall, and that the blue on the wall matches that of the sky.

The wall near the basketball hoops has a mural/graffiti wall with a wizard of oz theme. I'll post that one another day.


Blogger Jean said...

Do you realize that some people just hate change!

9:43 AM  
Blogger jenni said...

yes, I suppose that's it. although with the first playground renovation, the complaint was that a better, safer playground would just bring more kids.. and I guess that was a bad thing!

7:22 PM  

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